Premiering May 1, 2025
Let the acclaimed Brooklyn Youth Chorus be your guide as you embark on a journey through PORT(AL), where the city's past, present, and future come together in song.
MAY 1-3, 2025 / Agger Fish Building, Brooklyn Navy Yard
You are cordially invited to the
Brooklyn Youth Chorus
Spring Gala: Port(al)
Thursday, May 1, 2025
Find your history in the current. Let the acclaimed Brooklyn Youth Chorus be your guide as you flow through Port(al), a site-specific, immersive performance where the city’s past, present, and future come together in song.
Explore the creation of Port(al), a groundbreaking choral theater experience at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. This video delves into the innovative, site-specific nature of the project, highlighting the creative team's exploration of social worlds and the history of the Navy Yard. Learn how this performance serves as a portal to the past, sharing impactful stories through the voices and perspectives of Brooklyn Youth Chorus.
2024/25 Season Events
Training singers for life.
Astonishing, inspired performances.
Singers at Brooklyn Youth Chorus learn to deliver authentic performances across a wide range of genres and styles, including original work by a diverse group of composers
Music education with no barriers.
We strive to remove any barriers to participation. The only requirement to join the Chorus is commitment and a love for singing.
Healthy, skills-based voice training.
Brooklyn Youth Chorus students are trained using the Cross-Choral Training® method. This method is a proven holistic and experiential approach to teaching voice and musicianship in a group setting, designed by Founder & Artistic Director Dianne Berkun Menaker.