Virtual Through Season-End - Save the Date for Virtual Performances
Dear Brooklyn Youth Chorus Families,
We write to you today to let you know that unfortunately based on the current NYC COVID rates and vaccination schedule Brooklyn Youth Chorus will remain virtual for the rest of the 2020-2021 season including all mandatory rehearsals and season-end performances. As the weather warms up we will continue to explore the possibility of limited, outdoor gatherings, but any such meet-ups will be strictly optional.
This month marks a year since we closed the offices and went completely virtual. At the time we faced an indefinite closure with only the barest idea of how we would run a youth chorus virtually. Yet even with this great unknown in front of us, we took a giant leap of faith believing that there was a way forward and that we would find it together.
A year later, though we yearn for in person singing more than ever, we have racked up a set of experiences and skills both in rehearsal and in performance for which each and every one of our choristers should be extremely proud. Though at times difficult, the learnings from this year of virtual chorus will pay dividends to our individual choristers for a lifetime of music-making. Simultaneously this year will have transformational effects on our programming and teaching as we plan how to return to in-person singing even stronger than before.
It's not over yet, not by a long shot, but the end is truly in sight and though reopening in the fall may be our biggest challenge yet, I know we can make it together. Thank you for supporting Brooklyn Youth Chorus throughout. As you reflect on a year of virtual Brooklyn Youth Chorus, I ask that you take a moment to think about what aspects of this organization you are most proud of and then think about sharing that pride with a friend, or four. Brooklyn Youth Chorus has a lot of activities coming up in April, May, and June and we hope you are looking forward to each of them as much as we are.
Mark Your Calendars Today:
She Is Called: Dear Stranger
A Media-Rich Web experience featuring Concert Ensemble
Going live Saturday, April 24Beautiful People Gala - A Celebration of the People of Brooklyn Youth Chorus
Featuring Concert Ensemble, Men’s Ensemble and a special premiere of our spring all-school song
Tuesday, May 11, 7pmEnsembles End-of-Season Concert - Save the Date
featuring Concert Ensemble, Men’s Ensemble, and Junior Ensemble
Friday, June 4, 7pmTraining Divisions End-of-Season Concert - Save the Date
featuring Prep, Pre-Teen, and Teen choristers
Saturday, June 26, 4pm
Yours In Thanks,
Dianne Berkun Menaker & Megan Lemley